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Ireland and Valentines Day go way back -- all the way to the 19th century. After Father John Spratt of Ireland gave an impassioned speech in Rome in 1836, Pope Gregory XVI bestowed him with a holy relic of Saint Valentine. This precious gift was housed in the Carmelite Church on Whitefriar Street (now Aungier Street), where it remains to this day for visitors to honour the Saint. With such a close connection, its no wonder Valentines Day is an Irish favourite.

The holiday isnow widely celebrated, yet funnily enough, the phrase I love you doesnttranslate directly into Irish. Instead, the best way to express your love toyour valentine is to say "is t mo ghr" (you are my love). Bonuspoints if you can add the Irish accent, voted most attractive in the world in2019. But if words arent your thing, weve made this short list of 7 IrishWays to Say I Love You:


Ireland is called the land of saints and scholars - but we also like to have a good laugh. For a light-hearted gift, send your valentine one of these novel t-shirts - guaranteed to put a smile on their face.

Protect your loved one from the rain

After aransweaters and whisky, Ireland is probably best known for its rainy weather!Treat your valentine to a thoughtful, make-your-day-better gift of a cosy hatand gloves, or a warm scarf.

Give the gift of joy

Almost nothing will top the joy of opening up a brand new Aran sweater. If you really want to make your valentine (or yourself) smile, choose from our hand-picked favourites for men and women or shop the valentines day collection. We have a great selection of festive and classic colours to fit the holiday spirit.

Set up a date night at home

Cozy up to the one you love on a romantic night in. Blankets are a great gift for your valentine. Pair it with a bottle of wine and a classic comedy (we recommend Waking Ned Devine)

A claddagh

Finally, the old school Irish way to show your love is to give a claddaghring, necklace, or pair of earrings. Originating in the town Claddagh in County Galway around the 17th century, the claddagh symbolises love (the heart), friendship (the two hands), and loyalty (the crown). Its a timeless gift and one your valentine will definitely be thankful for.

Happy ValentinesDay!!


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